5TH Vital Healthcare

The Overview


Healthcare, Technology


Health Cloud


  • Manual process for tracking where their patients were at in their stages for their medical device implant
  • Utilized spreadsheets to manually track physician referral reporting
  • Had an intense manual follow up program without the ability to track or do roll out reporting on overall patient outcomes


  • Built referral process management with patient life cycle stages to move them from referral to actual procedure performed
  • Created search functionality to refer patients out to surgeons within close proximity to the patient
  • Automated tasks and reminder creation as well as pre-post questionnaires to report on and automatically track the effectiveness of surgery
  • Created reports and dashboards to easily track referral management, referral lifecycle stages / time frames, effectiveness of devices.


  • Client now has quick access to referral reporting and is saving several hours from not manualing having to report

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